Let's Try This Again, Shall We?

It's been almost 2 years since my last post. So, I'm going to try to put myself out there again. I've come to realize that in the last several years, the thing that gives me the most joy, that brings me the most peace is exercise. Mostly running, with some yoga sprinkled in.

When I first started seriously running, I did it so that I could run a half marathon with a friend. I enjoyed our long runs together. I enjoyed racing with others. But through the years, I've done most of my training runs and races....solo.

This suits my inner introvert just fine. Most of the time. The trouble is, I'm often doing things on my own. Hiding from the world. Hiding from others. And most of the time, I'm ok with that. But, the older I get, the more I crave connection with others. I'm not great at making friends. I have a tendency to push people away or try way too hard by putting effort towards friendships that aren't healthy or simply not meant to be.

I get my feelings hurt pretty easily. An introverted artist is a hard thing to be.

So, here I am. Trying this avenue. A somewhat safe avenue. Putting my thoughts out there, to whoever might listen. I hope whoever finds this is well.



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